How to discover right content for yourself?

Make your feed on all social platforms worth scrolling.

Choose the people and content you follow wisely because they are shaping your future.

  1. Watch Interviews of experienced people from domain of your interest, pick up the words they speak then search and give a thought to them.

  2. Google the words that comes in your mind.

  3. Watch random informational videos on youtube, you can get lucky to find good music, worthy information to think-on/follow.

  4. Follow people on social media who adds information and minutely also entertain to your day.

  5. Make sure to open the apps that can show you new opportunities everyday.

  6. Read random topic books. It is not necessary to finish the book you start (quote from Booklet Guy).

  7. Read everything around you when you are travelling/walking.

  8. Meet new people everyday. This gives you perspective about limitless opportunities in life, what lifestyle people live and what you want in life.

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